compuease;326950 wroteIf you have the possibility and really want to see Freemont at it's best, try to hit it on a Fri or Sat evening. Wayyyy more stuff going on..
Also, try to time getting there before sunset, as the sun falls you will suddenly find yourself surrounded by a party, it's crazy how it goes from quiet to happening.
+1 to Johhnies recommendation of Rio buffet; hit it first time last trip and it is better than Paradise, miles of food. Plus being a poker player, kinda a must stop and WSOP stuff should be greatly discounted now there.
PlayersCards ultra important; get as many as you can at different casinos, usually come with free stuff for new members, so some comps to get you started. Plus if your playin, their payin, so don't be afraid after any degen sessions to go ask at the rewards desks for what they are going to give you. It's a competitive market and they want to dazzle you at first.
Sadly, I can promiss you that you most likely won't hit everything you want to first trip...this unfourtunetly leads to going back again and again and again to try to accomplish these and your new finds each time; if only you knew a crowd of people who might be interested in going back next time?