Went to Rama on Saturday as we are up north at the in-laws cottage. Had permission to go one one of the days. I decided to make the most of it. 11am - 2am.
No wait for a seat and it didnt get really busy until 4pm. Played 1-2NL the entire time and decided to nit it up a bit since I wanted to play for a long time. It still amazes me, after all this time, material available, etc., that players only look at their own two cards and don't give any thoughts to their odds.
Like calling a $15 raise with 7-4os in mid position. Yes, when it hits, you can get paid but the amount of times it doesn't hit far out weighs the times that it does. That was a nice $100 pot when my KK ran into a flop of 2-7-4 with an 2 on the turn giving me the better two pair.
The rocks were easy to spot and just avoid when they woke up to bet.
Then, at about 12am, the real fun began. Two guys at the table were drinking the entire time and were now very loud and very loose. Pre-flop raises of $25+ and bluffing all the way to the river, then reload and do it again.
They caught a couple of times, but they went through about $600 between them in two hours. The last hand was the best and worst though.
UTG crazy guy raises to $15 with another $180 behind. one caller and I call on the button with A-8s. Flop comes T-8-3 rainbow and UTG leads out for $40, one fold and I call. Turn is a Q and this time he checks, so I check as well. River is a 2 and he shoves and says "I'll show either way"
While I'm deciding if I want to call or not, suddenly he flips over his cards !! He has AJos. He says I said "fold" when I never said anything. I look dunbfounded and ask the dealer what my options are, he said same as before, call or fold.
Clearly I called and won a nice pot and buddy goes ape shit. Security is called, he gets escorted out with his buddy. The entire table agreed that I didnt say a word.
All in all, a fun time at Rama.
I should mention that it could have been an exceptional night save for two hands. One was flopped broadway (ATs on KQJ board) versus KK, he hit quads on the turn.
Same guy had better flush than me a few hands later. Still left with a nice profit but it could have been one of the best $1/$2NL sessions I have ever had.