costanza;326764 wrote
If first villian is shoving semi wide to my open, let's say K9s+ 22-TT , and bb re shoves tighter let's say AQo+ and jj+ then how do we stand
Im not a HRes expert so Im not sure what you did wrong. But assuming the ranges above you get this:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 18.331% 16.51% 01.83% 2173383127 240359786.83 { Ad5c }
Hand 1: 27.079% 25.11% 01.97% 3305787424 259861928.83 { AA-22, A2s+, K9s+, A2o+, KTo+ }
Hand 2: 54.590% 53.17% 01.42% 7001321197 186749460.33 { JJ+, AQs+, AQo+ }