Cerberus;326326 wroteDarb, a few things:
- johnnieH never called you racist. He said, very specifically, you were making anti-semetic statements. Please note that he never called you an anti-semite, just said that you had made anti-semetic statements.
I did not say anything anti-semetic.
- I stated that you were, for all intents and purposes, playing spin doctor and trying to take anything you could that people said to make it look like you were either A) being picked on, B) being agreed with or C) smarter than everyone because you think in an "open" way (I know you used a better word but I can't think of it)
sure you stated these things.
- The reason I stopped this morning
I think you are suggesting that me and you came to an understanding an stopped. Thats not what I meant, what I meant is we came to a point in our back and forth convo where you understood I was claiming to come from an unconditioned root. This is a debate you can yell at me for not being correct....suggesting I am capable of anti semetism is not (note I didn't say that you said I was anti-semetic).
To me, if you get the anti-semetic comments (again, note the comments are anti-semetic, not you as an entity necessarily), I've got no issue with you being here.
good then you had no issue with me in the first place.
Edit: What word do we have if someone is against the black race. or Against the religion of say Buddhism? Anti?