costanza;325976 wroteguys;
while i got u 2 in here and i dont wanna start another thread, im gonna totally hi jack this one with a question lol
when i sit here and review all my hands from tonight, im not sure what to look for
twice i went over my session after i played tonight and i know exactly what i was thinking in these mtts/hands and it was fresh, so i can even remember reads from the hands.. and wouldnt change anything really, given what i knew at the time
i mean, i see basic coolers and beats... saw a couple spots i missed value, a couple spots i played bad.. couple spots i didn't like my sizing, couple spots i see i was getting a better price to peel than i thought ...
but all in all, how the fuck do i put it in my brain to use what i know after going over my hands into my session for tomorrow?
i hope this makes sense...
really gotta get my game together , pretty tilted with the way i played tonight
A sword cannot cut itself.
I read tons of post on site with players saying "I dunno whats wrong I review every night and I'm doing everything perfect"
The problem is one cannot self review. You'll just be like "thats right, thats right, thats right, oh misclick here, thats right thats right....etc."
Why should you ever do something during the day that you don't agree with at night?