This was the most paradigm shifting video I have seen. It will be hard to stomach for some, as many of us don't want to think our 'enemies' have rational minds as well. Its a long video so I'll give cliff notes, I realize many won't take the time to watch it, but I really think its crucial to understanding the world.
Cliffs: the host introducer is very rude in his introductions, makes accusations towards the president, suggest that he will avoid answering tough questions, accuses him of being a 'holocaust' denier, and really just comes off as rude and ignorant. The host asks if Iran would even allow a similar talk to happen at their Unis.
The president retorts in a very peaceful polite manner, explains he teaches at an Iranian Uni and of course they would be welcome and in fact they would be treated extremely respectfully unlike the introduction. Then he goes on to answer the other questions while the host actually tries to cut him off. He suggests that there should be more investigation into the Holocaust and that Iran wants nuclear capabilities to serve its peoples power needs. He also points out the Israel essential is illegally nuclear armed.
Ahmadinejad Speech in Columbia University Full Version