jontm;325614 wroteYou might be typing and I've already gone way over in staying out of this, so I'll try to bow out again with this; there maybe things wrong with the world and there may be a way to fix it, but as long as man has free will, there will never be universal idea to make it happen.
So we will separate the reality of the world from the spiritual solutions to our existence. There are people starving, in human trafficking, giant wars, financial exploitation etc. The movement of school and education, has taught us to believe this cannot be fixed. I will not argue hard against anyones religion. But I will argue we can fix this world, and that thinking we can't is actually a belief instill in you by democracy and education, capitalism etc.
The universal idea is nash's find that the ultimate way to play a game is to serve yourself as well as the whole. This way you aren't the richest dude amongst nuclear destruction. But we don't accept this, because we say well what if my neighbor doesn't subscribe to this though.
Just want to reiterate we watched a movie by russell crowe on nash because of this understanding: The universal idea is nash's find that the ultimate way to play a game is to serve yourself as well as the whole.
its genius and it fuels poker and game theory.
The truth is we are a whole and everything we learn teaches us we are individuals. You cannot save yourself, we are a whole. The good AND the bad. And I'm positive Jesus would agree.
jontm;325614 wrote
Only the architect of the universe himself could ever make this happen, but obviously has seen no reason as of yet to do so and may never as long as we exsist.
yes this assumes we are separate from each other, and separate from the architect. It assume their is an architect (and sounds like matrix propaganda). Is the matrix a made up idea coming from one individual, or does it spawn from the same place and understanding that every thing else does? Is the story of the matrix separate from the universe and its parts? The universe created the author and the story?
Our energy may be usable or unusable when we return to "nothing" and maybe we rejoin the grand design in ways we can't even phantom. I personally know when I find the answer to this or don't, it will remain between a higher power and whatever energy I am made of
We will break down some belief maybe before we get to here.