Milo;325694 wroteTakes more muscle energy to squeeze the trigger than it does to release the arrow.
Inaccurate. While releasing the string itself is not physically demanding, drawing the string with the arrow knocked and holding it drawn for maximum velocity while lining up your shot is quite taxing. An infant can fire a gun whereas a weak adult would be hardpressed to draw a bow.
That aside, I haven't watched a second of Olympic coverage this year. It simply does not appeal to me for many of the reasons Mark and Trigs stated. So much hype and so much money wasted. I don't hate the Olympics, I'm completely apathetic now. I don't get all rilled and protest them or make any effort to stop. I assume they will keep happening and I will continue to go on blithely indifferent.
Call me when there isn't a huge correlation between medal counts and nations that pour funding into their programs. When it truly becomes an exhibition of amateur athleticism.