Binked a satty last night into 3 events, looking to get someone rungood here selling 20% at zero markup.
Event # 1:
Today @ 16:00 MST
$500 + $50 + $10
12k chips, 1/2hr levels
Event # 2:
Thursday @ 16:00 MST (I will be 1 hr late arriving to this due to work constraints)
$720 + $80 + $10
15K chips, 1/2hr+ levels
Event # 3:
Sunday @14:00 MST
$300 + $30 + $10
10K chips 1/2hr levels
Total: $1710.00
10% = $171.00
5% = $85.50
1% = $ 17.10
I'm swapping with someone else for 10%, and putting 20% up here, so I will have 70% of myself.
Payment can be made to:
Stars: T8yourmoney
Party: T8yourmoney
EMT: PM for info
Jah: 3%
Actyper: 5%
Mole: 5%
Steve: 2%
Westside: 5%
Pinhead: 5%
Westside & Act for 5% each via twitter
5% for me pls
2% please. Please pm me emt info
take the 3%. OK if I pay you tomorrow on Stars?
pokerJAH;324753 wrotetake the 3%. OK if I pay you tomorrow on Stars?
Sold out.........bring on the rungooooot
Gonna add Mole for 5%, missed his tweet
Dam Vacation
rez any if any frees up
gl sir
Hellmuth's Mole
T8urmoney;324756 wroteGonna add Mole for 5%, missed his tweet
Hobbes;324758 wroteDam Vacation
Thank you twitter for letting me beat the twit! ;)
Will ship Stars tonight.
Fml. Gl t8!!
Of all days I dont check here first. Good Luck T8
Hellmuth's Mole
As long as the Jews let it through.
For those not following Twitter, busto'd after about 5hrs
Ran 12k upto 40k+ at first break, which was good for one of the bigger stacks.
After dinner, didn't go so well.
The big hand that went bad......
Raise at 400/800 UTG+1 with KKds to 2.1k (40k back)....flatted by both blinds, SB is pretty good TAG, he won a WSOPC and VDE events in the same week in Feb(25K back) and BB is someone u wish there were 8 more of at your table (15k back)
Flop Qd5d3h, checked to me, I c-bet to 3.7k, SB min clicks back to 7.4k, BB folds. I put his range somewhere on Adxd, AQ, KQ, 3's and 5's. I decide to shove to protect against flush draw......he shows QQ....turned a Td for some outs, but bricked river.
Ended the day by open shoving Q4dd on the button when folded to me for 9bb, BB wakes up with JJ and gg us.
#2 and the big one tomorrow....pretty sure I got it locked up.
As noted, I arrived to event # 2 an hour late, but with 40 minute levels, I wasn't too concerned.
Actually started with a full 15k stack, as they left my chips in the tray (rungood over after this).
Called to see a few flops which gave me nothing, was down to about 12.5k.
Pick up AK in the cutoff, with there being a raise (850) and call allready, I 3-bet to 2.5k (blinds 150/300), original raiser calls (a known fish). Flop comes down Q53 rainbow. He checks to me, I eye his stack thinking he's missed this flop more often than not, he's got about 5k. With the pot bloated (oops), I decide on a pot committing bet of 3.2k.......he tanks forever, and ships for 1.8k more and shows TT. And I obviously brick.
Next hand played, I'm in the SB with AQ.....cutoff (15K) opens for 800, button (12k) flats....I jam 4k. Original raiser tank folds.........button snaps about 9.5 seconds quicker than Bolt will be running the 100.......she shows 99, and proceeds to beg the dealer incessantly for another 9. No karma gods slap the beeatch, and I'm sent to the rail.
Basically I got involved in 2 pots, lost them both and left before dinner break.
Sorry guys, one more chance to get it back.
shoulda tooled out on that beeatch
costanza;325068 wroteshoulda tooled out on that beeatch
my chat was banned
T8urmoney;325067 wroteActually started with a full 15k stack, as they left my chips in the tray (rungood over after this).
There's no consistency to this?