Hey all
Who's seen this? Thoughts? I have to admit, I'm 1/2 way through this post from IMDB, and it's pretty funny.
IMDb :: Boards :: The Dark Knight Rises (2012) :: The Dumb Knight Rises...the whole story
Seen It
Too Long and Meh
The 1st two in this trilogy are by far better
It was a weak go-home wrap up. I liked the several tie-ins / connections. The cameo in the "courthouse" was nice. Little heavy handed on Joseph Gordon Levitt's character's future....
I found the movie did drag in parts. They stole parts of several comic book arcs into one massive storyline. Massive fan service.
I liked the "courthouse" cameo, too.
JGL's future is not vague in anyway. ;)
I think my biggest issue was...
Not enough Batman-y stuff. I want to see Bats fight, use gadgets, and detective mode shit, not climb out of a hole. For a near three hour movie, there was VERY little scrapping... Nolan should have seen the Avengers - THAT'S how you do action.
It was okay.
Batman not my favorite character though.. I really am more of a Marvel fan...
Superman has been dead for years..maybe he can make a comeback next year.
Saw it in IMAX.
Spent lots of the movie gawking at how good it looks in IMAX.
Long and boring.
Catwoman is supposed to be a villain and Batman's enemy. What's up with that?
The only redeeming quality of any of the past three Batman movies was Ledger's performance as Joker. Other than that, I'd rather watch the 1966 Adam West version. It's more entertaining, with proper villains.
Previews were calling Bane scary akin to Darth Vader. Wow. Not even close. He sounded like Elmo's big brother.
I kinda liked the reboot of Batman in that they tried to explain Batman in realistic terms - Ninja training, cool gadgets from his weapons division etc. But that also means no suspending of disbelief as you would in a pure fantasy movie.
Ok pulling the core makes it unstable. Unstable by definition is....unstable. They can time an 'unstable' device's point of detonation to the exact second???????? Nor is the instability affected by driving it around the city, dropping it down a 20 foot hole, dragging it through light standard's and smashing through buildings???? Also if the mere act of removing the core makes it unstable and turns it into a bomb why did they need the scientist guy to turn it into a bomb?
Also I thought his body armour was knife proof? Hmmm they seem to have conveniently forgotten that.
Never mind the 2000 cops who spent 3 months trapped underground who came out looking well fed, freshly showered and shaven. You would think that they would have gotten some clues as to the effect of poor food, no exercise and lack of sunlight from those miners in Chile AND they were underground 'only' 69 days. Nevermind the fact that to feed 2000 people you would need a hole big enough for the cops to get out, in order to get them enough supplies.
Also Catwoman blows a hole in a tunnel so the people can get out but they try and leave over the bridge instead. WTF was the point of her blowing the hole for?
Bane takes over the stock exchange and kills a bunch of people but the headline the next day is that Wayne blows his fortune? No possible correlation? Never mind the fact that if Bane is controlling the stock exchange then there is no-one there to execute the trade - it takes a seller AND a buyer to complete a trade. As soon as Bane left did all the traders just happily pick up where they left off?
Wayne breaks his back and gets it healed by being hung up by a rope and makes a full recovery, escapes from prison and makes it back to Gotham City within 3 months?
Also no-one decides to take his knee brace, which BTW miraculously turns him from being a cripple so well that we never see him limp again in the entire movie.
Also he barely makes it out of his car before he gets his brace but has no problem dancing with Catwoman minutes later?
So many WTF moments.
You have some fantastic points here! I have read a few reviews but nobody mentioned the knife/armor thing that was specifically mentioned in the first one! The headline thing too!!
I wanted to like this movie. I really did. I didn't think it was going to be as good as The Dark Knight / Avengers though, but still, this was weak. I think my biggest problem was that, I came to see a Batman movie. I think total time Batman is actually on the screen is like.. 20 minutes.
DrTyore;325060 wroteMoose:
You have some fantastic points here! I have read a few reviews but nobody mentioned the knife/armor thing that was specifically mentioned in the first one! The headline thing too!!
I wanted to like this movie. I really did. I didn't think it was going to be as good as The Dark Knight / Avengers though, but still, this was weak. I think my biggest problem was that, I came to see a Batman movie. I think total time Batman is actually on the screen is like.. 20 minutes.
You try taking a 9 year old who keeps saying 'Where is Batman?' about every 3 minutes.
No doubt. But seriously... TDKR didn't have a chance to live up to the last one, but seriously? Show batman kicking ass.... it's not hard.
I had a discussion with someone comparing TDKR vs. Avengers, and he said "TDKR was the better MOVIE, but Avengers was more fun and entertaining". I don't much care for cinematography and such, but would rather be entertained. I mean, it's a comic book movie... comic books are supposed to be fun.
The plates would stop the knives, but Lucius mentions that the seams are still vulnerable.
Thank you Moose, you echoed my sentiments exactly. My fiance was getting irritated by my little comments on the plethora of continuity errors. Some plot holes were eggregious but some of them could easily have been fixed. I found the thousands of cops ordeal comical at best and my first comment when they came out was " at least they were able to get them proper shaving gear". Not even one of them had stubble and they all still had their crisp, if albeit fairly dust covered, cop uniforms. I was also annoyed that they decided to reveal that Blake's real first name was Robin. There was never a person named Robin in Batman. It was the name of his alter ego. I read a review that stated JGL will be the next Batman (clearly) so they put that in so they could sort of transition from a Robin to Batman. Weak IMO.
This also kinda sums it up...
Macke;324550 wroteIt was okay.
Batman not my favorite character though.. I really am more of a Marvel fan...
Superman has been dead for years..maybe he can make a comeback next year.
Nolan is doing "Man of Steel" next.....
Yeah, saw DKR at Imax in Edmonton...it was alright, but also not a bat fan and also noticed a few of the moments mentioned by Moose...That being said, the gf loved it, and the night off from the kids...so it was a win.
I didnt actually hate the movie but more the point of where batman every 3 minutes.....the movie was not called "Bane rises"?? looked more like that to me than the dark knight!
I JUST put this together... kinda weiiiiiiiiiird