SuitedPair;327501 wroteyeah, Galfond's blog is a good read. seems to have his head screwed on straight and to be a stand up sort of guy. never met him so can't vouch but the blog is decent either way
His blog and Olivier Busquet (excuse any misspelling) are two I find to be the best, very well written and find myself landing on often for "Reactions" voices of poker type research.
My only complaint about Galfond is when him and Durrr guaranteed 1,000,000 in pay-outs after black Friday. With great power comes great responsibility and these two have massive followings. I think some players stayed on FTP until Alderney pulled the plug, believing these guys in the know wouldn't put this out there without being very sure. Some of those players went on to get screwed further and while Galfond has hid from no one, Durrr seems to have just moved on and laughs at his promiss when brought up.
That's all behind them now, maybe they did put up some cash I don't know about, but in reality I don't really think it was their problem to deal with. It would have been much better to just stay quiet. I think they were duped and had strong info that could have worked out with white knight deals, but when they got one outed, it was swept under rug.
I initially praised them in that in tough times, players can only rely on players, but it appeatrs it was smoke up the ass from some icons.
With that said, Galfond is still a great ambassador of the game IMO.