Making a $15,000 cash in Sunday's 2012 Stampede Classic.
181 runners at $1,100 final table deal then a few played for buckle.
congrats nice score
Its fun to see this forum pumping out results month after month!
what place he come in?
4th officially, he was smart and just locked up as much coin as he could.
The remaining 3 were to put 1k back in and play for it and buckle and chipleader by far was willing to give up 9k to end it, so sick cards just left his chips and took his cash after a deal was struck.
sick cards
Hi Guys,
It was a pretty good prize pool of a 181 entries $1100 each and after already 16 hours of play at 4 am from 12 pm it was good to lock some $ up :).
It was like $18,500 I got so a little more and closer to 3rd place money, but . Bill took 35 and paid the tip and some other $ to another player. Icm I think he got more, but he took 10k off the top pretty much with a 75% of the total chips. *With his stack I prob would not have made the deal. 2nd took 20600, 3rd took 20100, me 18,500 other like 10. Icm I was around 12kish.
Blinds were just going from 6-12 to 8-16 k with a 1500 ante and
If I had a bigger stack or Bill was going to dble me easy or I thought there was some soft spots after 16+ hours of play I prob not make any deals.
What you guys think?
GTA Poker
Chip leader is an idiot...Nice score...what were the payouts without a deal
sick cards
like 40 30 20 14 or 15 then 8 6 or something.
be nice to jump from 18500 to 30, but to take 6 or 8k would suck. Tbh I was pretty exhausted after 15 hours. A lot of dream situations needed or flips to win at 20 bbs :).
sick cards
Wcoop is coming up soon hey?? I think I saw the schedule starts like 1st of Sept?
sick cards;323773 wroteWcoop is coming up soon hey?? I think I saw the schedule starts like 1st of Sept?
Close - Sept 2nd
Breaking news: Pokerstars 2012 WCOOP schedule released -
sick cards
I think Stars could have got max value from this if they had more events and some later events too like they do in the Scoops.