Players are known bad....every so often I find a spot that I think is correct for this....I think my image (if any), my hand, the board texture, and the betsizing make this +ev...??
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
UTG Sano PKR (
27,530) 69bb
UTG+1 mandata1 (
5,000) 13bb
MP1 corujao30 (
23,246) 58bb
MP2 unitedfan88 (9,900) 25bb
MP3 slim-gazza (
17,640) 44bb
CO maksimus1105 (50,203) 126bb
BTN Garry1421 (
1,822) 5bb
SB pokerman_721 (
11,930) 30bb
BB Joda (19,126) 48bb
Blinds: 200/400 Ante 50
Pre-Flop: (
1,050, 9 players)
Joda is BB :7c :3h
3 folds, unitedfan88 calls 400,
1 fold, maksimus1105 calls 400,
2 folds, Joda checks
Flop: :5d :5s :ts (
1,850, 3 players)
Joda bets 700,
unitedfan88 folds,
maksimus1105 folds
Final Pot: 1,850
Joda wins
2,550 (net +
unitedfan88 lost
maksimus1105 lost