how do you play this? what kind of range should i be putting on MP+1?
PokerStars - $10+$1|150/300 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
LP: 8,480.00
CO: 6,020.00
BTN: 8,972.00
SB: 9,580.00
Hero (BB): 6,260.00
UTG: 7,240.00
UTG+1: 5,585.00
MP: 10,930.00
MP+1: 9,146.00
LP posts ante 30.00, CO posts ante 30.00, BTN posts ante 30.00, SB posts ante 30.00, Hero posts ante 30.00, UTG posts ante 30.00, UTG+1 posts ante 30.00, MP posts ante 30.00, MP+1 posts ante 30.00, SB posts SB 150.00, Hero posts BB 300.00
Pre Flop: (720.00) Hero has Ts 8s
UTG calls 300.00, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 600.00, fold, fold, BTN calls 600.00, fold, Hero calls 300.00, UTG calls 300.00
Flop: (2820.00, 4 players) As 9h Qs
Hero checks, UTG checks, MP+1 bets 2,200.00, Hero?