how would you have played this hand? not sure i liked my line.
PokerStars - $2+$0.20|20/40 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
BTN: 4,895.00
Hero (SB): 4,655.00
BB: 3,835.00
UTG: 5,460.00
UTG+1: 1,390.00
MP: 9,200.00
MP+1: 5,100.00
LP: 4,050.00
CO: 5,560.00
Hero posts SB 20.00, BB posts BB 40.00
Pre Flop: (60.00) Hero has Js Jh
fold, fold, MP calls 40.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 160.00, BB calls 120.00, MP calls 120.00
Flop: (480.00, 3 players) Td Jc 8c
Hero bets 240.00, BB calls 240.00, MP calls 240.00
Turn: (1200.00, 3 players) 3c
Hero checks, BB checks, MP bets 200.00, Hero calls 200.00, fold
River: (1600.00, 2 players) Ad
Hero checks, MP bets 480.00, Hero calls 480.00
MP shows Jd As (Two Pair, Aces and Jacks) (Pre 30%, Flop 4%, Turn 0%)
Hero shows Js Jh (Three of a Kind, Jacks) (Pre 70%, Flop 96%, Turn 100%)
Hero wins 2,560.00