STR82ACE Not positive if his chronology is totally accurate, but all 100 riffs in about 12mins? Great stuff!! Hey Johnnie...CHALLENGE?? 100 Riffs (A Brief History of Rock N' Roll) - YouTube
JohnnieH A+. Would watch again. Obviously he's missing a few dozen riffs, but that is still very impressive! It's not easy to change styles that quickly, manage the effects board, and not mess up all on camera.
jontm I watched a few of the similar videos after, hands down this was the best done. Had to listen to a few favorites right after. Great post.
Milo Nephew posted this on FB a week or so ago . . . I knew all but 2 of the first 75, and missed 9 of the remaining 25. Just shows you when I stopped being a music nut, I guess.