After grinding online tournaments for years, I read GTA Poker's OP to see what I would need to adjust to if I want to play live cash games (when not playing the
tournaments at OLG Slots or Brantford) like xx23 & one other forumer used to do regularly at Fallsview. I'm decent with his keys #5 (tilt) and #8 (odds), but could use improvement in the other areas.
GTA Poker;322901 wroteYou can't be afraid to bluff and get caught or to make hero calls in the right spots or to showdown crap.
Since I'm used to multi-tabling tournaments with a buy-in of $70 or less, I'm finding it much harder to risk up to $500-$1K cash on one hand of a live cash game, e.g., facing overbet all-in bluffs. I have to keep reminding myself that I have a more than adequate poker bankroll, and that it's okay to make +EV risks of losing my entire stack, and that I can afford a couple more reloads for the maximum. I hear some cash game grinders of being down $2K+ in a session, but they seem to be winning overall. I haven't been bringing enough cash, so I will start having at least three max bullets.
You can't be up $300 or $500 in a session and go into lockdown mode.
Things I have to improve in live cash games include:
- Feeling the need to be up in every single session, and becoming too tight when my stack has grown to ~$1K.
- Hating to be down in a single session and the tendency to stay way too long, even though I'm now playing a "C" game and my table is no longer +EV for me. I mistakenly keep playing "until I get even" or "until I win one more big pot", but I'm more likely to lose money. I need to set a time deadline whether I'm up or down so I can return another day with a higher EV.
- Unlike online, it takes two hours of driving round-trip to the casino for me. I had sextupled my stack quickly and the donators had left, but instead of leaving early since I had a family event in the morning, I feel the need to have long session every time because of the two hours of driving.
- Being too lazy to ask to change tables or seats.
Resolutions: try to make EV-maximizing decisions in live cash games just like I did online, e.g., call overbet all-in, 3-bet light, 3-barrel all-in bluff, all-in overbet including the river, change table or stop playing based on EV. Set a time deadline so I won't play too long.