[deleted] Yeah except playbooks are the nut worst tablet of all time Glad new post button works with them tho!! :)
compuease costanza;322884 wroteYeah except playbooks are the nut worst tablet of all time Clearly you are a nut newb at tablets...
GTA Poker compuease;322883 wrotelol, works correctly on a Blackberry Playbook.... Finally RIM gets one right.. a whoberry whatnow? lol Canadians, eh
compuease GTA Poker;322887 wrotea whoberry whatnow? lol Canadians, eh Don't look now but your backyard just slid into the Pacific... :)
[deleted] compuease;322885 wroteClearly you are a nut newb at tablets... Wat.jpg Posted from my iPad fwiw
compuease costanza;322889 wroteWat.jpg Posted from my iPad fwiw lemming.... ^ falls for fancy advertising.... and spends way too much...
GTA Poker compuease;322888 wroteDon't look now but your backyard just slid into the Pacific... :) still...there's the beach and the fresh seafood
JohnnieH I'd like to point out that every time someone posts a 'I've got a problems with ____' thread, I've had no problems. And I'm on a Mac :)