JimmyHo I will be playing the Great Blue Heron Casino $550 deepstack tournament on July 11th. This is a great structure for a local casino tournament with 15,000 starting stacks and 30 minute blinds. Looking to sell 30% and will swap an additional 20%. Will be selling at PAR (1:1) and would prefer 5% increments to keep it simple. Funds can be shipped to 'pokerjah56' on Stars. Thanks. 5% - $27.50 10% - $55 http://www.gbhcasino.com/2012-Tournament-Schedule-Details-Flyer.pdf Screenman - 5% (swap) Milo - 5% (rec'd on Stars) Popcorn - 10% (rec'd on Stars) Pete - 10% (rec'd)
JimmyHo Popkorn;322109 wroteHey I'll take 10% I'll ship it to u on stars within the hour Much appreciated. Will you be playing?
JimmyHo Milo;322184 wroteJah, shipped on Stars. Antman013 Thanks, rec'd. Will close bap tomorrow and only swap at the event after that. 10% cash and swap still available.
JimmyHo Seat purchased today online. According to GBH website, 52 seats still available for this tournament. Should sell out. Will send updates via Twitter.