Hey everyone I am looking for someone to stake me in some tournaments on Pokerstars on Wednesday June 4th. I have came onto hard times and am in need of an opportunity to rebuild my bankroll. I have been a profitable players online this year and I have what it takes to run deep in many mtt tournaments. The list of tournaments I would be looking to play are:
12:00pm: The big $22-------------$65.84
13:00 - $22 NL Holdem----------$0
13:30 - $8.80r ---------------$64.14
13:45 - $22 NL Holdem(6 max, 500 cap)-----------$0
14:15 - $22 NL Holdem(1R1A)-------------$0
18:00 - $27 NL Holdem(Turbo knockout)------$10
19:45 - $22 NL Holdem(6 max, 500 cap)-----$0
19:45 - $27 NL Holdem(knockout)-------$33.75+20=53.75
20:00 - The Big $27.50---------$0
Thursday July 5th:
18:00 - $5.50r---------$0
18:30 - $5.50 NL Holdem(6 max)-------------$9.67
$15.00 180 Man-----------$0
19:45 - $22 NL Holdem(6 max, 500 cap)-------$0
19:45 - $27 NL Holdem(Knockout)---------$0
20:00 - The Big $27.50----------$0
$15.00 180 Man-----------$0
Tuesday July 10th:
The Big $5.50------------$9.01
13:15 - $11 NL Holdem--------------$18.70
13:30 - The Hot $16.50-----------------$0
14:00 - The Big $11-----------$0
14:30 - $13.50 NL Holdem(Knockout)---------$2.50
14:45 - $16.50 NL Holdem(6 Max)----------$0
15:00 - $5.50 NL Holdem(Turbo)-----------$0
16:00 - $5.50 NL Holdem(2R1A)-----------------
Total: $272.30
The deal would be stake back plus 60-40% in your favour unless I make a final table then it goes 50-50% for that tournament. I am obviously looking for a staker for all tournaments but if there is someone that wants to do some but not all I`ll be willing to discuss. Here are my online stats;
Bluffer1414 | PokerStarssdfsdfs - Online Poker Player Profile
I thank you in advance for the chance and opportunity to make us both some income.
gl on the tables to everyone!!