Milo;321689 wroteYou really seem to have cared about that $100.00 more than you're letting on . . . otherwise, why the tantrum? I mean, I agree you were hosed, but if the $$$ didn't matter, then why the drama?
First of all, c'mon...then:
Because I don't enjoy getting angled by another player for any amount of money. I did everything right in the hand to alert my opponent and the dealer that I had $100 behind...and the implication would be that I am somehow trying to angle for the $100 if the ruling goes the other way, no?
This is a game and I am trying to get all of his chips...which I did in a fair manner. I don't care what the denominations are of his chips.
And...the way he snap called every street I am certain he would have called if I had $200 in chips sitting behind. I never say anything derogatory to anyone at a poker table unless they are angling. I can lose a $4000 pot where I am 90+% when the money goes in and I just reload, that's the game; however, whether I am in a hand or not if someone is angling they will be sure to hear from me for quite a while in no uncertain terms.