Went to bcc today for the $125 deepstack. Started at 10am, got there plenty early and was first one at my table. I should admit to something pretty lame.... This is actually my first live tourny at a casino. :confused: Ive played semi regular at home games, and even played cash at bcc before. Figured after like 8k online games, its time. haha.
Table draw was okay.... Good mix of tight old guys, and a few middle aged guys who had no clue. Early on, 5x opens were common, and dont forget to follow that up with 1.5x - 2x pot cbets.... First few levels I had a few good hands, AA, AK, QQ, JJ all of which got very little action if any.
There was an odd ruling (imo anyways). They broke a table, and the guy who came to our table was entering into the sb position. Instead of waiting for the puck to pass, the dealer insisted that he posts the bb??.... So they called a floorperson over, who said no, he posts the sb. Still I thought that was wrong, that he should be waiting for puck, but the guy was fine with it so w/e. During the hand the dealer calls the TD over, and he said the guy should have posted the bb. ugh. #bccaments
Anyways the next few levels were kinda ugh, then my awful mistake....I think I had about 14k and blinds were 300/600/75. utg had 3500 or so and was fairly active, shoves. I am utg+1 and look down at 77. Table had not got into any preflop raising wars at all, in fact there were only a few 3bets all day. I called the 3500, which I think is my mistake, but want input from others as I think I should shove or fold, never flat..... Anyways obv the old guy shoves lp for another ~6k. This guy was pretty rock solid tight, so I pretty much figured him for AK+, 99+ maybe AQs?... Thought about it for a while and folded. Which is also probably a mistake.
I think two more levels passed without much of note and then I busted when I shoved 5bb ep with JQo and got called by young guy in mp with KQs. He hit his flush by the turn, I was out the backdoor philli style before the river hit. Was trying really hard to find a spot sooner to jam, but there really wasnt much. Stacks got shallow very quickly it seemed.
Think I busted in 40th/80.
TL;dr version...
nice TR haha
costanza;321677 wrotelmao
nice TR haha
Want me to tell u about the chairs? Lol
reibs;321678 wroteWant me to tell u about the chairs? Lol
Were there casters? Also, I think I shove with the 77s. If the nit at the end has you dominated, so be it. Play to win, or don't play.
Milo;321685 wroteWere there casters? Also, I think I shove with the 77s. If the nit at the end has you dominated, so be it. Play to win, or don't play.
Do u mean shove the first time, or call the old guys shove?
Iso 5bb shove with 77 obv
I meant come over the top of the pf raiser. That way the old dude needs a better range to get involved.
nice TR, and ya I agree, shove dem packet sebens
man at the time, 23 beibers seemed like so much to jam in the live game, yet online I probably dont waste much time rippin er in there usually. Guess I really dont need opinions, I know it was a mistake.
no worries I feel ya on that, much easier to make the wrong play just based on the fact that you don't have everyone's stack size displayed for you like online
GTA Poker
then fold 23bb is lots to shove with 77 in live pokerz...just don't ever flat
Yeah so they were allin so what did they have.
moose;321710 wroteYeah so they were allin so what did they have.
Utg had 3s and old man had AK. My 7s would have held too :mad:
GTA Poker;321709 wrotethen fold 23bb is lots to shove with 77 in live pokerz...just don't ever flat
This is why the shove is better than the call. Calls invite others to come along for the fun. If you shove your stack in, you are likely going to given credit for the same sort of hand you put the old guy on, maybe even stronger based on your image, and this might cause hands like 10/10 to fold, rather than take the risk. Call/fold is very weak.
reibs, i was at that tournament as well...started on table 9,,,if your table was like, yes..but very little 3 betting..i would of shipped it all prolly wouldnt be met with resistance...i was floundering around..until i picked up aa..all.the $ went in,and i took 2 guys out.jj and kq..when the the tables brokedown to 3 and i was moved, i went completely card dead..and unfortunetly with the way the structure was, at that time became shove or fold....for example just at break the blinds were going to go 2000 4000 with 400 antes...the average chip stack was 52000 plus...i had 49$..and was looking for a hand i could shove with, i lost one that crippled me, then won a couple but i picked up a9 off with 6 bb, got called by bb with a ton of chips..j8 suited and he hit 2 pair on flop..finished 15 i takes a long time to get it down to 3 tables.., generally in this structure,,but when it gets down to 18 , to 22 players, it becomes a bit of a luck fest...if you accept that going can be a very enjoyable tournament..with decent friendly loud mouth know it all, table captains...
marban;321737 wrotereibs, i was at that tournament as well...started on table 9,,,if your table was like, yes..but very little 3 betting..i would of shipped it all prolly wouldnt be met with resistance...i was floundering around..until i picked up aa..all.the $ went in,and i took 2 guys out.jj and kq..when the the tables brokedown to 3 and i was moved, i went completely card dead..and unfortunetly with the way the structure was, at that time became shove or fold....for example just at break the blinds were going to go 2000 4000 with 400 antes...the average chip stack was 52000 plus...i had 49$..and was looking for a hand i could shove with, i lost one that crippled me, then won a couple but i picked up a9 off with 6 bb, got called by bb with a ton of chips..j8 suited and he hit 2 pair on flop..finished 15 i takes a long time to get it down to 3 tables.., generally in this structure,,but when it gets down to 18 , to 22 players, it becomes a bit of a luck fest...if you accept that going can be a very enjoyable tournament..with decent friendly loud mouth know it all, table captains...
I started at table 4, then got moved to table..... 6 maybe?
I enjoyed it, not gunna make it a regular thing though thats for sure.
I don't know if there's a name for it somewhere but I call it 'failing to iso'. What should happen, if you are too short to fold, is your opponent reshoves the exact same range since he knows you are you are never folding.
But if the players left to act don't know you will always call or they don't play like this then depending on villains you can gain fold equity for your weaker range by looking like you're trapping. With strong hands vs. some players you can encourage a reshove or a flat from a wider range by looking like you are too weak to shove and might fold.
Here by shoving, you can expect to make live players fold aq lots, and ak sometimes, and qq or kk even.
The reason you prob shouldn't fold now I think is the pot odds you've created for yourself. Even if you are behind the range he's shoving you still likely have odds to call.
For 180s: After seeing you FTI/fold I would def start opening my reshoving range to capitalize on the fold equity. Also I never expect you to FTI Ak or AQ. So your actual shove range becomes strong (I would tighten my calling range). If someone FTI/calls with their monsters as a trap then their actual shove range is weaker, and you can make tight fold vs there FTI's and some strange looking light calls vs their shoves. So I take notes for people either fti/fold or fti/call with their stack size, antes or not, and their hand if they show.
GTA Poker
Milo;321722 wroteThis is why the shove is better than the call. Calls invite others to come along for the fun. If you shove your stack in, you are likely going to given credit for the same sort of hand you put the old guy on, maybe even stronger based on your image, and this might cause hands like 10/10 to fold, rather than take the risk. Call/fold is very weak.
darbday;321769 wrote
Here by shoving, you can expect to make live players fold aq lots, and ak sometimes, and qq or kk even.
lol, liveaments at Brantford.... Do you really believe this statement? However I do agree iso shove or
perhaps a fold is right...
Never calling, well maybe not never, but very rarely..
compuease;321784 wrotelol, liveaments at Brantford.... Do you really believe this statement? However I do agree iso shove or perhaps a fold is right...
Never calling, well maybe not never, but very rarely..
I don't actually believe anything, but in human terms...ya! I could be convinced otherwise though.