UWO Student Poker
Hey guys, my name am Allan Rutt (StuckinARutt on PS - ducwidt?) and I'm looking to get down to Brantford this Canada day weekend for what is sure to be the softest freezeout ever.
$125 deepstack freezeout Sunday, July 1.
OLG Casino Brantford.
I play as StuckinARutt on Stars & FT
My Stars and FT stats can be seen where I have a lot of experience with micro-mid stakes MTTs
I am well known from the Staking/Selling Shares - Online section of 2+2 staking forums. I've been around for years selling and buying packages. A few of my most popular threads are here where around page 11 you can see two back to back tourney FTs for over $1700 in returned funds to investors, and my rush team thread here where I ran dozens of packages for investors. More recently I had been running Sunday micro threads of which an example 300% return can be seen here.
I am also an active member of the ptp staking forums with over 3000SP (what they call staking-points) and am currently heading a $600 private-fund for micro staking over there.
Finally I have some testimonial references here and here.
I have played live in many casinos across Ontario and even in the UK, and soon to be in the US and all across the east coast as I go on a road trip next month. I have experience with live limit holdem up to 10-20, live NL up to 2-5 and live tourneys up to $500.
This is really not a question of how soft the field is or how much of an edge I have, as my experience and reputation should qualify that for me. What I'm really looking for here is a chance to get in the live circuit with help from fellow 2+2ers.I would love nothing more than to bink this tourney for a few thousand to give back to investors to prove my trust. My ultimate goal is have the kind of reputation on the live forums as I do on the online ones, and to maybe next year make it down to Vegas for some world series action. In the meantime it would be great if I can hit a few scores to show 2+2 what I'm capable of.
I will be providing a receipt of purchase as well as my cell # for updates via text. My finishing position can then be easily confirmed by calling the poker room the day after.
I would like to sell 100% of this at 75/25, meaning I will not make any money unless you do. Of course I will still have money in this in the form of gas and food, and so will be striving to perform the best I can. My only clause is I would like to subtract 10% of profits for gas to a max of $30 before stakeback.
I can accept Stars and paypal, though for this I would prefer paypal. (Pm for paypal details)
Thanks for having a read and giving me a chance to get as good a reputation here as I do on the online forum.
Willing to ship $20.00, but am not a fan of the gas tax. To clarify the deal you are offering, if I were to buy your way into this, and you ship for, say $1,125.00, I get the buy-in back, and the $1k profit is split 75/25. Can I assume that you are the "25"?
UWO Student Poker
Don't really follow, but I am only taking 10% to a max of $30, meaning if I cash for $1125, you get your $20 back, and $30 is subtracted from the profit leaving $1075. Then you get 20/125 * 75% remaining so I am shipping you $149 total
Okay, got it. Stakers get 75% of profit less your (max $30.00) gas fee.
UWO Student Poker
yessir. I will also be offering makeup on my live packages. meaning if you lose your investment, your cut is 100/0 on all my future live packages until you make your investments back (same deal I offer on ptp) to keep it fair
Do you even have a ticket yet? I imagine this was sold out long ago.
UWO Student Poker
Yes there are seats left. Just phoned
Out. Not going to the bank today.
DO NOT sell packages that require cuts or % ages taken out for travelling or gas or anything else, we are paying for a piece of your poker action, not your gas or travelling
sell for the poker and nothing else.
UWO Student Poker
you do not have to buy if that's the way you think, thanks for your input
I feel that this package is more than fair since I am probably the only one on this site who offers makeup. Furthermore I bite the entire travel cost if the package ends negatively
UWO Student Poker;321616 wrote Furthermore I bite the entire travel cost if the package ends negatively
as you should, that's the way poker works.
if we are buying you into the tournament, its your responsibility to get there.
UWO Student Poker
If anyone was interested in taking significant portions of the buyin, I could remove the gas charges.
To be fair . . . selling 100% IS a significant portion. And, loathe though I am to admit it, I agree with Costanza re: gas. But, that is my opinion, and is not why I am staying out of it.
Damn, you can sell your entire action so no risk to you and you get 25% of the profit? You can't lose.... :)
OK guys, I'm heading for Vegas tomorrow to play the rest of the series.. You buy me in to every event and you get 75% of all the profit I only keep 25%... Wanna see me gamble now? That would certainly even get me to loosen up..:) Oh, and I'll pick up the flight, hotel and meals..>:D
My thoughts, if you have no stake in the game, and I don't dispute your online staking record, then you won't play your best as there is no real incentive other than "gambool"...
UWO Student Poker
The incentive, is my share of the profits. This is how it is done at the most successful staking site on the net, ptp, and no one argues.
Consider this thread closed, and I will remain on that site.
I don't believe that most sell 100% of their action at 1.25 markup... Come on...
UWO Student Poker
Go and see yourself. Standard cuts actually are 100% at 50/50 or 60/40. Of course these cuts are only standard with makeup clauses, but that's exactly what I was offering.
Please do not post in this thread any more if you do not have anything productive to say.
Thanks, and have a nice day
bye, have a nice day... Does not sound financially advantageous for the backer.. especially for a $125. tournament which turns into a pushfest real quick and negates any skill advantage you may (or may not) have real soon..
Did check your online stats, not sure if I did it right, perhaps Hobbes, our resident expert can comment better, but I didn't see any compellingly + online stats...
UWO Student Poker;321627 wroteThe incentive, is my share of the profits. This is how it is done at the most successful staking site on the net, ptp, and no one argues.
Consider this thread closed, and I will remain on that site.
Had a look around PTP and doesn't look too successful... Lots of failed stakes and obvious scams posted there... Your own online stats don't look too successful compared to a lot on here.... hmmm...
Your only posts on here seem to be seeking stakes so caution would be the watchword...
Do you know anyone on here personally? Have you played any local tournaments posted on here?
UWO Student Poker
I had actually played a tourney in Windsor in which Hobbes had taken a chunk. In fact, the first thing I did after creating this thread was PM him offering his share in makeup. But, this is too late now so perhaps I will try some other time