Ok so on to the rungood. Time to change our luck so I went with the lucky shirt and mmoose picked up a lucky penny in the parking lot leaving the hotel this morning.
As I mentioned the ramp to Hwy 80W to Omaha was closed. 5 or 6 turbine blades were parked on the shoulder. They either had no where to go because the trailers were huge and the ramp was the only road that could take them or one of their brothers was the trailer that had jacknifed on the ramp.
As you can see, birds stand no chance with these suckers. No way to get an entire blade in the pic.
Made it to Council Bluffs, IA ok though with the detour plotted by our GPS and we pulled in around 4pm.
Weird bridge decorations.
It's like they knew we were coming.
So far, Caesar's Windsor, Horseshoe Hammond, and now Harrahs Council Bluffs.
Ok first bad beat, found out Harrahs Council Bluffs does not have poker, had to go to the Horseshoe which was a few minutes away. Second bad beat, paid for the wireless in the room then found out there was free wireless in the lobby. Also you do have to swipe your card in every location to be entered in the race, but if there is no promo kiosk then you go to the Total Rewards desk and they swipe you in.
Ok got on 1-2nl around 7pm tonight. First lap or so got all in on turn with nut flush draw and OESD. Cue the rungood. Hit the flush on the river. Got called for 3-6. Cashed out $400 and brought the remainder to the 3-6 table.
Left over after cashing out $400.
Since I was well freerolling today, I immediately asked if this was a kill table, and got the entire table to agree to put a full kill on. Then I button straddled everytime.
Sweet pot after button straddling and waking up with AKdd.
Healthy stack and mmoose isn't doing too bad over there to my left either.
Sweet chipaments. This was my peak after button straddling again and waking up with AA on the last lap of the night.
Short 2 hour session for 34 tier credits - 17 per hour at 3-6 and 1-2nl and back to the hotel for dinner.
For Berg: reubens!
Victory cake.
For k9dr: currently enjoying a Sam Adams Octoberfest.
Side note: Harrahs Council Bluffs has tons of drink/food specials on Tuesdays.
Harrahs $5 craps 10x odds
Horseshoe $5 craps, 100x odds. I may have to retire in Omaha.
Gambol: +$421 1-2nl, 3-6 limit, me
$-10 mmoose
Food: $0 burned comps at Harrahs
Gas: $48, 687.6 km, 12.31 ga (will convert up later)
$41, 614.1 km, 11.084 ga
Net to Date: $218
Convert up: 687.6 km = 427.25 mi, 12.31 ga, 34.7 MPG (Camry hybrid)
687.6 km, 12.31 ga = 46.59 l, 6.77 l/100 km
$3.699/gal / 3.78 l per gal = $0.978/l USD /$1.0259 USD/CDN = $0.9538/l CDN