reibs;321265 wrote
I still disagree with the open limping thing,
I should mention many different pros limp and go, if its not in your skill set then you're losing ev+ imo, youll come across a vid with a good pro I'm sure...its all about
who you use it against, disagree with that if anything, but not with the technique (btw thats a bruce leeism).
but if yoda says....
don't roll your eyes at me though :mad:
reibs wroteMy gut tells me that inexperienced weak-tight villains are not reshoving the lowest aces and unsuited broadways tho yoda.
darbday;321267 wrote...which gives a little room for funky bluff shoves when villain shows up with j6.
djgolfcan;321287 wrote
FWIW, I had J-J and villain shoved J-4s
We shouldn't really be using our gut ;) but where I think you went wrong here is you assumed villain is weak tight, we have no info to suggest that (dj even suggested he's strong).
costanza;321284 wrotei like limp folding alot more then raise/folding here given stack sizes
you can't say that unless you know what part of your range you you prefer limp folding aces here? And limp folding is not often a good idea.
again this is jibberish until you say what parts of your range you are jamming, folding, etc. You can't look at stacks and say this, you need to talk about hands as well as actions.
as for range, id prolly be calling any ace, any par, suited broadway and most suited kings
Here you are listing random hands. Instead of naming hands you will call, name the hands you think villain shoves and then call with whatever hands nash says to. This is a dramatic difference!
dj id love to see what hand u had
costanza;321288 wroteah, ok.. and actually yes the hand does matter in this case, alot.
DJ is correct the hand doesn't matter, its what you would do with each part of your range that matters.
Why do we care if DJ had Aces (then he should call) or 62o (then we should fold)?
you were raising to induce.
This can be a misconception too. Raising to induce means that the bb will reshove a wider range than if we just shoved instead of min raising. A lot of people min raise their monsters to 'induce' but they aren't inducing anything. To induce someone I think we need a read that we tricked them into playing back lighter. Thats a subtle difference but I think its important. I'm kinda saying inducing can't be done in a vaccuum and needs a metagame type setup.
djgolfcan;321287 wroteHonestly, the cards don't matter, that's why I posted this hand.
Acutally I pm'd dj and told him to lie about what hand he had and then told him to never tell anyone the truth or that i pm'd him. he actually had k3o and he folded.