Looks like your plans might be set for Montreal now T8urmoney, now that you shipped your Stardust seat on PokerStars and I think others others are very intrested in doing the same:
There are just as many side events over the Stardust Poker Classic, minus the 5k HU, which is a "specialist type" of event and haven't been getting more than 32-64 players even at PCA and LAPC with many more players and events availabe to help it's chances.
The side event buy-ins in Montreal, over the exact same period will be much lower with comparable prize-pools in. That doesnt even take into consideration the regular tournaments at Playground.
To answer OP in dupliate thread, 2010 COPC was good, but it had mass marketing efforts for 4 months prior, while 2011 COPC could easly be considered one of the biggest tournament failures of the year. The numbers were definetly the lowest in the country for comprable buy-ins. There were a few hiccups and shortcomings, most are widely known on the major forums that may deter some who came in 2010 from returning; I don't believe many did in 2011 and if I rember correctly combined prize-pools were roughly 70% lower than the year before.
Timing is also terrible this year, their Main event will be competing dierectly time frame wise against a 300k GTD with half the buyin and just as good if not a better structure and online qualifiers on PokerStars...I don't see any GTD's or evenestimates on the Deerfoot events, so that doesn't real scream confidence. The last few times they have tried they ran about 50% of their numbers, so a bit of an over promiss under deliver scenerio that also rubbed some the wrong way. Usually, casino's are +/- 10% on these if they know their players and series.
due to this and since they would have to pay travel and accommodations anyway, many players not from Calgary will likely head east. Edmonton is also supposed to have a major series just after this schedule, for those looking for a lower overhead will likely tough it out and just wait to play at home, especially with the small turnouts of 2011. It will good as a "local" event series however.
Add in the WCOOPS in September and players have plenty of value options that beat this for their buck.
Anything else you would like to know? FYI, I'm very rarely way wrong with these predictions...