so, obv my stars roll was kaput and thanx to my good friend reibs (holla), he floated me 12 bucks tonight lol for my HU match and the forum game.. just something to do.
I had an hour before I started playing, and I got the bright idea to see what I can do with it if I actually tried, and had to really grind with no reloads allowed
I snap busted HU against the Mill so I was left with like 5 bucks, so I went and shipped the forum game for 20 bucks and loaded up some zoom lol
this was a crazy session for me, I was very under rolled and a couple times had my entire roll out on the table, and at one point I was down to like my last 6 bucks at a PLO10 table
but then beast mode emerged, and I started pwning ppl the fuck up
so while yes, I know this is a stupidly small brag, its a good feeling that if I really really had to grind out some money real quick , I could do it....
im gonna keep going with this.... 100NL , juan time? >:D
Ill keep u guys posted on what happens tonight with this.
game feels good tbh lol