okay, so i think i have decided to go with the ones i originally wanted in this thread lol which were the Pharaoh's chips. i will most likely order from apachepokerchips.com which i have read is a reliable store.
first, they have $0.25 chips which not all sets have. second, they are a decent price at $0.36 per chip. third, i find the colors of the three chips (blue, white, and red) very distinct (which is important to me being partially colorblind). four, i like how the denominations on the chips are larger sized as it is likely i will have newbies playing and needing to easily see the number on the chips. five, i emailed apachepokerchips.com to ask a question and literally got a response within minutes.
i've read that these are pretty decent chips from a few sources so i think i'm happy with them. probably going to get a 500 set with 100 $0.25, 200 $1, and 200 $5. even with exchange rate i think this is a good price for these chips. hopefully i'll order them tomorrow barring anyone giving me some crazy reason that i shouldn't be getting these ;)