Macke;320665 wroteWait, did Fed hang a cat?
That's not cool...
lol... Nothing as serious as that...
OK for the record Mark, and others who are questioning whether or not Mike (aka Fed) was/is a scammer. T8 has confirmed that Fed did pay him back and is ok with him.. He even bought one of Costanza's baps..
What it seems like is that T8 shipped him $50. on Full Tilt, Fed lost $10. on a HU SNG, then he shipped $40. back to T8 with the explanation that he would ship back the extra &10. as soon as he could deposit on Stars. Then after he had deposited on Stars they wouldn't let him transfer right away so it was delayed. In the mean time the fan got hit by a bunch of brown stuff and we (the rest of the forum) lost track. Some time later apparently Fed shipped $15. to T8 on Stars as "vig". Now T8 can't recall the exact amount but is fine with it so please let the whole past die unless someone can provide proof of real scams or other recent (past few months or so) transgressions...
No doubt he was a douche, he admits it, he apologizes profusely, so unless something new develops it's over... I have declared it so.. Even murders get parole here in Canada. :)
If anyone has a problem with that pm me..