SteveKerr;320465 wrotepretty sure the op has no clue about the past, and as the op reads threads and occasionally sees someone say FED or references FED, the op is wondering what the hell everyone is talking about
Ah yes, ty for clearing that up steve
fed Cliffs:
-Used to smoke ALOT of weed and drink ALOT
-insulted probably every single member in some way
-grew up
-fell in love with poker (really in love)
-studied the game hard, ran ok, ppl started realizing I'm not a complete retard
-met ppl from here, knew I had to clean up my act
-stopped drinking/smoking herb all together
-looked at past and shook my head isthisreallife.jpg
-apaologized to everyone I crossed, admitted my faults
-hoping to move on as best I can with the huge douchebag shadow I cast on myself
Above cliffs may not be in chronological order
again, I'm sorry to anyone ive ever offended and regret my past to the fullest , it's an embarrassment and still affects me, I'm red faced as I write this.
I feel like brad booth right now lol, Fack.