So a home game... 25c/50c blinds max buy in 50...can top off once you're at 25 or below yada yayda.
Now I have been card dead for the entire night..I know everyone says they are always card dead but I really was... in the first 5 hours or so my top 3 hands were.. pocket 8s, AJC and King 9 off I believe.
Yet up to this hand I was still up 3 dollars to 43.
I'm dealt KQd on button and raise to 3 dollars...2 callers.
Flop is Jack D, 8D, JackC.
Villain bets 8 and I call.
Turn 6D
Villain: checks and I bet 12.. he calls.
River Jh...ughhh.
Villain checks.. I have a big sigh and simply turn over my cards showing my king high flush... villain is just like "So i guess you just checked?" and reveals his pocket 7s....ugh.
But luckily enough I made it out of there about 10 minutes later with 5 bucks profit when I made broadway.