jdAA88;320050 wroteYeah, can't emphasize enough how much of a lagtard this guy has been, but I'm pretty sure in general he's a very good reg/capable of a lot.
ha ok I was about to call a foul on you for the misuse of the lag tag...if hes that lag then its just a question of whats the best way to 3bet here, or maybe thats what you're asking.
Just a side note make sure hes lag from ep/mp too. But coming from the position of six max utg there's gonna be plenty of hands he'll fold to a ship or 3bet . I imagine you don't need much fold equity if any if you had aqo, so ajo and ATs (have blockers too) are likely plus ev+... could prob go lighter.
If you want to induce a light 4bet here you have to bet a size you can 3bet/fold to, I'm thinking your to short at 30bbs to rep that. But he doesn't really need to be light here to get it in.
I think whatever gets the most fold equity here is best. Sometimes i'll bet 200,000ish/call vs certain regs :confused: there are a few that will just insta call me when I do it though
this hand is prob just a std ship tho?
edit: even though in this hand villain 4bets, you still gained from his folds even though he didn't fold this time.