Thanks for the bap. Always fun railing twitter.
Wolffhound on stars.
shipped to "Wolffhound" On Stars (no pic)
Shipped to Jofay EMT
shipped to "Hobbes614" on Stars (pic of hobbes tongue sticking out)
Shipped to "MrsButton" (pic of MRS on white background)
Shipped to durtcom EMT
Squaring Alice B with cash
Pending Costanza (Rounding up more Stars)
I'll work on more of this Friday, won't take too long.
funds recv'd
I think i owe you money, how much?
$11.75 stars preferred if you have. If not just hold it, throw me in on something later, not worth an EMT. Could also just get Mark to give you his $11.75 owing as I think you hang out and buy whatever that gets of your ME. At this point don't care either way, believe I owe you a drink or two.
Shipped to smokerock247
rec'd, thanks.
Threw her into her first MMII yesterday with the Stars funds shipped for this:
> PokerStars Tournament #2012070044, No Limit Hold'em
> Buy-In: $10.00/$1.00 USD
> 4294 players
> Total Prize Pool: $42940.00 USD
> Tournament started 2012/07/16 20:00:00 MT [2012/07/16 22:00:00 ET]
> Dear jontm,
> You finished the tournament in 150th place. A USD 42.94 award has been credited to your Real Money account.