PokerNightInCanada Hi, Just thought I would share this: Unseen Poker After Dark $200,000 Cash Game **Day 2 of 5 2012 Poker After Dark Season 7 Episode 68 Cash 200K (Week 1 Day 2 - 6/6/12) - YouTube
SuitedPair what happened to leann's head? she should fire her stylist or just kick him in the balls. looks like she got smacked with 60's era ugly stick.
PokerNightInCanada Since this was not aired in Canada yet. We have to rely on the AnnonTroll from The Poker Bay to upload....he has posted he has 3 of 5 episodes thus far and will post soon.
SuperNed I think the video has been removed. While we wait for it to be reupped, I will link you to the previously unseen to me Shana Hiatt playboy video. :D Dailymotion - Watch, publish, share videos
jdAA88 ep 4 and 5