Well, my buddy flew me in, just like he said he would, I arrived this afternoon in sunny (cold) vancouver, Toronto was 30 degrees + when I left >:D
coming in:
My buddy has a girl over, so instead of intruding on their time, I make the 5 minute stroll down pacific avenue.
I get to edgewater around 9ish?
I snap marched upstairs to go to the poker room, the staff was very friendly to me, and a floorman actually escorted me upstairs to make sure I was taken care of when i asked for directions.
I go put my name on the list for some classic 1/2 action. obv it being friday night, the wait is 2 hours. But me being a degen, i dont mind at all actually, and I play penney slots, had a few smokes outside (beautiful location this casino is, right on the harbour) and did my classic 5 dollar spin on black, just to start the night off right :laugh: shiiiiiiiiipppppp
I go in and decide to sit in at 10$ max black jack, I figure what the hell, and I threw 20 on the table. I crushed black jack upto 105$ and said eff it, im gonna play my poker with this, lets just see where 20$ and lots of fun gets me.
third hand in, i squeeze KK from the button, UTG 4 bet shoves on me, so obv his limp jam range is always aces, but nope it was TT, sicko double up.
thats all fine and dandy, im happy, until this next hand happens.. 8 way limped pot so obv i squeeze from the puck with JJ, UTG (same villian) flats, and I get 3 callers! flop is 3 bricks, I lead out for 45~ish i think, UTG jams it home, i sigh call and obvvvvv he has QQ
all in all all my fun cost me 20$ but it could have been alot more :(
Oh and as for my actual feelings on this casino is that it is much to small. all of the table games (micro baccarat , 4 card poker, BJ, roulette, etc, etc) is super crowded, just like the slot hounds. Its very uncomfortable moving around. as for the poker room, I guess it's pretty standard. Overall, i thought the poker there was very soft and I can and WILL rape it tomorrow/the next couple days. If anyone is around, let me know!