Hobbes wasn't wrong in suggesting that the Scoop was a bloodbath...not sure any of us thought it would go the way that it did, but, wtf shit happens.
I do want to extend a Thank you to those that I have bought pieces of in the past, to those that I have in the WSOP and to those that I haven't bought shit from yet...
In the past year + 59 Baps, Total Bought $2339.00 Return/Won-$3182.10 ROI ~ 36%
36% ROI and a lot of fun railing = Win Win
tytyty and lets keep this section going strong!!!
I swear there has been less bickering and flame wars since BAPing became cool in this community.
Thanks to anyone who's sold me BAP and anyone who's purchased mine.
Hopefully it won't be long before we all will be mortgage free :)
The most enjoyably frustrating two weeks in quite some time. From trying to locate all my horses at any given time to putting up with blank stares from the Missus as I try to explain why, even though i am not playing, I am "watching" a few different tables and getting just as annoyed as if I were being dealt in, it was a really good time. Next time out, we BINK something.
For allowing me to be even lazier in my enjoyment of this game yet still having a shot I. Partaking in the potential spoils!
Next comes my $2rips personalized plates...
sorry everyone. i should have issued my official apology full well knowing that i am insanely unlucky and my bad luck does spread to other people. i'll take full blame for everyone i bought into and lost.
EDIT: please don't let this deter you in letting me BAP in the future though.
I accept your appreciation wolffy, however, I apologize.
I dont know why every time I BAP I get pwned, it bad karma, im not gonna do bap's any more in the future lol
I cant STAND losing other people's $$$$ that they invest in me, i know its par for the course, but it definitely effects me to a degree, in a negative way