Macke;317923 wroteLame since that hand i've taken a pretty bit hit..shit. A big problem of mine I feel is that I am just too cautious you know? That's really something I want to work on.. not getting pushed off so easy.
Don't be worried about winning the hand, worry about playing it correct. Surely this player had a straight so you win. He is left wondering why he never wins and his aces always get cracked, but really he never gets any value when he has nut hands because he just blatantly donk jams them.
Note this player too, because if he checks the river ever again with you its gonna be likely he doesn't have a strong hand. Does that make sense? You feel like you got ripped off here but you can use this info against him next time by bluffing at him when he checks and you have air. This would be edge you get on the other players.