I am going to be playing a lot of live poker over the next couple of month and am going to play a bunch of the 110 weekly tournaments in Edmonton. I want to sell pieces and was wondering what you guys think. Is it best to sell each one separately or maybe sell a group of 5 or 10?
I think one at a time might be better as just easier for people to spend a bit at a time. I realize that sucks in that if the first few don't go well, people may lose interest but it's also WSOP time, so players will be watching bankrolls more or spending money on summer activities.
Plus it will keep this section fresh, there will be a new staking opurtunity each week instead of just a few guys picking up at begining.
It might be bad timing for some week 1, but they have money to fool around with week 5.
Just my 2 cents.
Thanks jon
Still thinking about this. I suppose if you sold 5 or 10 at a time and still offered chucks as low as 1%-5% Guy could get in for $25-$50 off the hop as we know it takes time for variance to take its little ride. Waiting 5-10 weeks for payouts I personally would pass on though, (these tourneys aren't going to have massive top prizes and depending on size of investment), but that's just me.