Hobbes;317179 wroteMaybe they were trying to stall to get past the Late Reg, then you get the T$.
Dunno, just a thought.
No lol, def not the case, ppl were stalling with 0.5BB just trying to get win the seat, which was sending me over the edge because it was hand for hand so stalling is POINTLESS :mad:
I think late reggy'ing and being sent into the mtt is fine as long as its the standard 1hr late registration. When it's for "special" tourneys that has extended late registration (120 minutes) then I think that's when stars should implement the option of taking t$.
I took the time and sent stars a seething email that went into extreme detail explaining the situation, what I thought, how -EV it was to late register, and all I got back was a generic computer typed out response that was :bs:
while I understand that "this is the way it is" from stars point of view, I strongly recommended that they change it, and to review their stance. Im waiting on a more official response as I requested a higher up person to look at my email and respond as I was very tilted by the copy paste email they sent me.
Ill update with the emails if anyone gives a shit lol