T8urmoney May 14th: 15:00 MST PLO cubed: $11 1r1a ($31.00)....busto 2674th / 5552 $109 1r1a ($309.00).....busto 921st / 1364, unused addon ($110.00) May 19th: 09:00 MST PLO 6-Max: $55.00.....busto 180 / 3289 for ($156.22) $530.00........busto 443 / 681 May 20th: 09:00 MST NLHE 6-Max: $27.00....busto 12495 / 15478 12:30 MST NLHE ME: $109.00....busto 6305 / 22128 Owed: BTP: 35% $93.18 (paid) Hobbes: 1% $2.66 Wolf: 2% $5.32 Trigs: 2% $5.32 Costanza: 1% $2.66 Wes: 2% $5.32 Act: 7% $18.64 (paid) Total Bankroll: $266.22
T8urmoney had to deposit yesterday, so I can't ship yet If you can receive on Party, I can ship right away on there......or if you're in a hurry, can emt (would prefer not to due to small amounts and the cost, but can be done). If you owe me from your BAP, feel free to take off the difference.
T8urmoney T8urmoney;317687 wrote Hobbes: 1% $2.66 Wolf: 2% $5.32 Trigs: 2% $5.32 Costanza: 1% $2.66 Wes: 2% $5.32 I've shipped moneeez to Actyper via EMT, and he'll be forwarding. Kinda forgot I can't transfer in Vegas.