Milo If you are playing, BAPping, railing, or staking, here's hoping that everything comes up Aces this week. good luck to all of the Forum members in whatever capacity they participate in SCOOP.
GTA Poker I will lend my godmode to whomever wants it tomorrow...I think I have BAP of 5 forumers but I can't really recall
[deleted] straight up, i couldnt even sleep last night, im just way to excited/pumped to play scoop which is good because sometimes its tough to stay motivated, but this only comes once a year, time to get my summer $$$$$ GL to everyone, lets fucking ship something, for real... lets get it. #rungood
Hobbes GTA Poker;315175 wroteyou went full retard I never do 1/2 retard. :D Play it. I dare you. Then try and get it out of your head. :D
djgolfcan I am really looking forward to this series. PFC is going to rule SCOOP this year and everyone is going to make money.
Wolffhound Rungood everyone...I have high hopes for you all...including the one that got away.... My Scoop stable- 5/6/2012 MrsButton Scoop 5/6/2012 Bluffer1414 Scoop 5/6/2012 Betrthanphil Scoop 5/6/2012 costanza Scoop 5/6/2012 IRichardI Scoop 5/6/2012 westside8 Scoop 5/6/2012 Aceacet Scoop 5/6/2012 Hobbes614 Scoop 5/6/2012 djgolfcan Scoop Only Jules got away...and there's some Actyper in there too. Thank you all for the opportunity. RUNGOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jontm Wolffhound;315193 wroteRungood everyone...I have high hopes for you all...including the one that got away.... My Scoop stable- 5/6/2012 MrsButton Scoop 5/6/2012 Bluffer1414 Scoop 5/6/2012 Betrthanphil Scoop 5/6/2012 costanza Scoop 5/6/2012 IRichardI Scoop 5/6/2012 westside8 Scoop 5/6/2012 Aceacet Scoop 5/6/2012 Hobbes614 Scoop 5/6/2012 djgolfcan Scoop Only Jules got away...and there's some Actyper in there too. Thank you all for the opportunity. RUNGOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apples all around for IRichardI Hobbes614 MrsButton Betrthanphil Actyper AceAcet Rungoooooooooooooooood! Make us some Vegas party money for PFC meetup at RIO!
blackmagicz I decided to play Scoop 1L :) I have always wanted to be in the sunday rungood for online :)
Wolffhound blackmagicz;315242 wrotei decided to play scoop 1l :) i have always wanted to be in the sunday rungood for online :) glgl....5%?
blackmagicz Hobbes;315250 wrote10% then :D Yup! Booked Ill do another 35% split it up among yourselves...