[deleted] Macke;314997 wroteNo, the Jays never have a chance. wtf u talking about its a lock the jays make the post season this year, if this bullpen and BOMBtista get off their asses and stop shitting the bed, we will be contenders for the series
[deleted] costanza;314998 wrotewtf u talking about its a lock the jays make the post season this year, if this bullpen and BOMBtista get off their asses and stop shitting the bed, we will be contenders for the series Quoted for future use.
getem76 After boston gets Bobby fired or whatever their big plan actually is they will probably zip right to 1st in the east!....the yanks will take the wild card, rays and jays 2-3 games behind them, as per the 2nd wild card you ask will be sucked up by probably Califorina, maybe Texas, but I think more Texas wins the west.....I'd like to see the Jays suceed honest, its not in the cards for them.