sick cards Aq hit top pair on aj board in 215 decent pot guy shoved river when flush hit I folded. 3k. Ran my kks into AA he min 4bet me I should have went into pot control mode he's repping AA there at on based on his hud he is tight. SO lost a massive pot on 962 r
sick cards doubled back in both scoops at 6500 in 27 only and 6k in the 215 was nearly busto got good chips in the 55 bigger
sick cards Damn. Just flipped in the 27 and lost for a monster pot. Out of all Scoops now damn it :(. Also, a guy flatted my really large squeeze and I put myself in a wa/wb spot with jjs on a monotone flop. I thought I could get most of the range that he over flatted to fold, but he called a monster raise with q10s he flop the nut flush. I had the 2nd nut flush with jjs, plus I felt like I was repping alot of strength. Reads are a bit off today. Well still grinding some others.
sick cards No real luck today ran pretty bad when it counted :)!! Made a few mistakes in spots where I was trying to rep off of what I thought my oppt thought my perceived range was :)! Just busted 51st out of 708 in the 51 dollar not a scoop. $113.28 was the pay out and this is part of my package as/ the bonus to everyone. Not much today sorry guys. $113.28/2= $57 rounded up and will add this when I do the pay outs.
sick cards Hi Guys, Just played a little last night nothing major. As part of the rev share bonus I listed I cashed in a smaller one 5th for $95. As per the bonus I offered, I played a few events and got a small cash yesterday for-- $95.00/2= $47.50 rounded to $48.00 in profit towards the final pay. * More of my Scoop events start again this weekend. I will prob add a sweat thread too Cheers
sick cards Having some problems with HEM right now. Never had this my hud stats are not aligning for each player. Any tips?
sick cards had 25k I open w aq guy with 6k stack reshoves I call hit my q turn j was down to 19. Same guy a few hands later I open ak of he 3bets I 4bet he shoves AA I time down and call :(. 40k pot. all dimand flop and I had dimand I then flip against ak with a pair and lose 356 flop
sick cards I cant find anything in Faq to fix my Hem if anyone knows why the hud wont align, please respond here. Ty the only thing I can find is damnt it:
sick cards Ty yeah there's alot o spewy players on my table. I got moved to the 3rd or 4th table everytime when I ig anyone out :)
IamJoFay sick cards;316402 wrotegot it working!!!!!!!!! What was the solution Todd? This happens to me to...