sick cards A little spewy maybe I should have made some calls. These goons are making mistakes soon dble me up please !
westside8 Hobbes;316657 wroterailing for a bit. go go go you're a bad railbird... that's a tough one there...
sick cards damn guys nearly folded AA I feel he has some draws and kq that I beat. I feel terrible right now. He flatted my raise with qqs and I should have known better to just not build the pot on jq4 2 heart board dman it. 22nd fml $2187.36 :( Should have folded sorry guys. Everything in me wanted to fold my ego came into play :(!!!!!!!!! Sorrry guys :(
sick cards Totals $215 7383 501 $473 $215 $2187.36 Total scoop $ so far--------$2660.36 Bonus divided by 2 $22 63 5 $95 $51 708 57 $113 $208/2=$104 Grand Total Payout So far= $2764.36
sick cards Hi Guys, Feeling pretty down after that beat :(. If I were to open up 15-20% action for remainder of events would anyone be interested in reinvesting some? I have to see how I feel though. I can do some of the pay outs early if you like, please tell me what you would prefer. I apologize I was not able to pull this one off I really wanted it and tough to fold there. Sorry I didn't make it happen for all ya I tried my very best :(!! Thanks, Todd
Milo Just got out of bed . . . what the HELL are you feeling down about? I railed for about 2-3 hours last night. Every time you took a hit, you invariably built it back up, and went higher. The last play of a tourney NEVER works out, unless you win it. There are hundreds of players that feel the same way you do today. The difference is, you made more cash than they did. You did great, you'll do it again . . . hopefully this week. LOL