Back in town after a quick day in the US, so finally get to post up the SCOOP BAP.
Planning to play the following events, looking to sell for 50% max.
Note the 2 rebuy tournaments I allocated the initial rebuy, 1 more double rebuy and an add-on. Any additional rebuys used will be on my own dime. Any unused rebuys will be refunded.
Total package is $3416.50 x 1.112 markup = $3,800
1% = $38
5% = $190
Note 1: Will be playing all regardless of how much I sell EXCEPT the Main Event Medium if I can sell 40% of this package.
As I have been having some issues with my bank, I will ONLY take Stars for now but if you want a piece and can only do EMT, shoot me a PM and we can settle next week when I get EMT back up (hopefully) or something.
betrthanphil 5% - paid
Crazykoby 5% - paid
Pinhead 5% - paid
Hobbes 1% - paid
SteveKerr 5% - paid
garryc 2% - paid
actyper 5% - paid
t8urmoney 3% - paid
trigs 0.5% - paid
costanza 1% - paid
Wolffy 1% - paid
Iamjofay 5% - paid
sickcards 3% - swap
8.5% left
Please send to wesleyw on Stars
EDIT: Results tracked on this google doc -