Moniez shipped. TY. I did try calling Hobbes to give updates but the moron never answers his phone at home.
Lost about $85 playing craps waiting for the tourney to start. Turned $5 in free slot play into a cool $3.50.
Saw a sick hand 100/200/25, one limper, raise to $1650, 3bet to 4200, 4bet to 7200, 5bet shove allin (AA of course), limper folds, original raiser folds (JJ), call (KK), call (QQ). Q on the turn. Of course, it included endless timewasting over whether the 7200 was legal.
My favourite hand of the tourney came on the next hand. AA was crippled down to 1700 or so, blinds now up to 200/400/50. So 4 limpers to me OTB, with obv everyone hoping to pick up a bounty. A10h, so I limp praying for a shove. SB completes, bb shoves for 1700. Everyone calls so I iso shove for 30k (close to table CL, covering everyone but the winner of the QQ hand). Everyone folds, bb has 53o and I spike the A and score the bounty. :)
At FT we are down to 7, paying 5, and the next throw up in my mouth hand occurs. Aggro player in early position raises, horrible monster stack calls OTB, small stack BB shoves, aggro shoves and button calls. Small stack 10Jc, midstack 99, monster stack AK. We could be in the money right here. Of course, small stack makes a flush on river, 99 holds and button ships another 65k over to the aggro. Button was so bad, he actually started counting out 65k in 500s, in piles of 1000 at a time. God.
One orbit later in SB with 65k or so, 4000/8000/1000, I see QJs, shove into horrible player in BB, who wakes up with AK, J on flop, A turn, A river. He covers me by less than 5k. Done.