djgolfcan;313800 wroteYour raise on the turn is too low. You are raising to $4.75 into a $13.00 pot, giving all draws the odds to call. It actually looks like you have a strong draw, instead of a made hand.
The Button could make this play with a wide range of hands. Any over pairs, two pair, flush and straight draws. There are too many of those possibilities that you are ahead of.
I was actually trying to get value from my hand at this point. I figured by giving less than 3 to 1 on a draw that is likely 4 to 1, it would make draws fold but would keep anyone with an overpair. At least that was the plan in my head..
So a bet around 8$ would've been better? (what if he calls the 8? Is it an automatic shove on the river? check call? check fold if I don't improve?)
pokerJAH;313807 wroteBet more pre. 3x raise will just lead to trouble.
compuease;313809 wroteIsn't that telegraphing your hand. He should raise the same with 7,8 suited as he does with AA... Isn't that the general principal?
costanza;313839 wroteyes all open sizing should be consistent.
That's what I initially thought, I try to always use the same opening raise. Although with zoom, players won't know if I vary my opening bet sizes or not so you might be right. I'll have to try it out.
Richard~;313856 wroteI would've flopped quads. As played I fold. I think I like check calling turn better than bet folding, but that's just cause I see bluffing ghosts everywhere
I knew the SB would fold but I actually thought the button would just call my turn bet and I was setting myself up for a nice river shove if it came a blank. So many people float these days but the reraise really caught me off guard.
pokerJAH;313859 wroteno, its letting in all the drawing hands (set mining, etc.) to crush your dominating hand. If they fold to a bigger raise, so be it. If they have 22-QQ, AK, AQ, they are likely going to call a bigger raise.
Btw, don't fall in love with one pair in cash games. With that kind of action, given no previous reads on this player, you are likely behind.
Yea thats great advice that I need to follow more closely.. I'm still at that point in my poker training where it hurts pretty bad to fold aces on a board like that but I had a feeling I was beat, especially after the coldcall on the flop from the button.
It was definitely an interesting spot to be in though, and it made me think about the hand way more than it would've if I had won the hand on the flop/turn.