I had it all drawn out but I feel like my bankroll as it is right now might not sustain all the way through. I get it if this makes people less interested in investing but I've decided that rather than powergrinding trying to raise my bankroll in time or not doing the bap at all I'm going to divide it into chunks of 5 events per bap. That way, if I go on too much of a cold streak I can just decide not to carry on with the slightly higher varience than my usual schedule scoop events
these are the stats for my main sites. had a bit of a bad year so far on stars but you know how it can be
IRICHARDI Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
RICHARD_5 Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
Any funds will be transferred to and from IRichardI on stars unless we agree upon another method
Here's the schedule that's been on my computer for forever
02 6-May 14:30 NL Hold'em [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
04 7-May 14:00 FL Badugi [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
05 7-May 17:00 NL Hold'em [Rebuys, Turbo] L: $11.00 (51)
07 8-May 14:00 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up] L: $7.50
M: $82.00
08 8-May 17:00 NL Hold'em [2-Day Event] L: $11.00
M: $109.00
09 9-May 11:00 NL Hold'em [SuperKnockout] L: $27.00
11 9-May 17:00 PL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max] L: $7.50
M: $82.00
12 10-May 11:00 PL Omaha [Heads-Up] [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
13 10-May 14:00 NL Hold'em [Knockout] [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
M: $265.00
15 11-May 14:00 FL Omaha Hi/Lo L: $27.00
16 11-May 17:00 NL Hold'em [2x Chance, Turbo] L: $27.00
17 12-May 11:00 NL Hold'em [10-Max, Shootout] L: $27.00
18 12-May 14:00 PL Omaha [6-Max, Rebuys] L: $11.00 (51)
20 13-May 11:00 NL Hold'em [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
21 13-May 14:30 NL Hold'em [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
22 14-May 11:00 Mixed NLHE/PLO L: $11.00
M: $109.00
24 14-May 17:00 PL Omaha [1R1A, Turbo] L: $11.00 (31)
26 15-May 14:00 Stud Hi/Lo L: $27.00
27 15-May 17:00 NL Hold'em [2-Day Event] L: $11.00
M: $109.00
30 16-May 17:00 NL Hold'em [SuperKnockout, 6-Max, Turbo] L: $27.00
31 17-May 11:00 8-Game L: $27.00
M: $215.00
32 17-May 14:00 PL Omaha Hi/Lo [2-Day Event] L: $27.00
M: $215.00
33 18-May 11:00 NL Hold'em [1R1A] L: $27.00 (77)
35 18-May 17:00 NL Omaha Hi/Lo L: $27.00
36 19-May 11:00 PL Omaha [6-Max] L: $55.00
37 19-May 12:30 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up, High-Roller] [2-Day Event] L: $215.00
38 19-May 14:00 HORSE L: $27.00
40 20-May 14:30 Main Event [2-Day Event] L: $109.00
2064 * 1,1627