westside8 Please post all transfer/swap requests here. Paypal/EMT/Stars/all other sites T$ transaction can also be requested here as well
T8urmoney Looking to swap my Stars ($200) for your Party Poker ($200).......or any amount up to $200.00
[deleted] Need some pay pal $$ for stars coin I need like 15$ more to buy something online lol PM me if you can help me out, cheers
jontm Like to send anyone doing an EMT for GTA BAP $65 on Stars to add to that transfer. Done via member Ty for help peeps
jontm Where is that damn BTP and his Party roll when you need him..o yeah making some dough in the 4 max...
actyper jdAA88;320162 wroteneed $200-$500 on party in exchange for $200-$500 on stars, please someone!! I should be oline tomorrow if you still need
jontm Will be looking to buy $55 to $70 on Stars for my EMT on Friday to save us all fees. If someone I owe for BAP already has even better. Have some on there already, know better then. Hopefully I need to buy even more after we cash again and I can just buy from one of the highrollers and save them a cash out lol. Anyways just a pre-swap request. Back soon.