Here's a quick TR on my recent visit to the Stardust Poker Mansion:
Day 1:
First off, flying out of Edmonton Thursday morning, had a buddy that was coming with me to pick me up at a predetermined time to go to the airport. Unfortunately we don't plan well, as we arrived 1/2 hr b4 flight, and hence, missed the flight. Fortunately we were able to rebook a flight leaving 5 hrs later for only 50 more (another friend was also coming on this flight) it wasn't horrible. Managed to find an open bar and grabbed the flight half in the bag.
Arrived in Montreal at about 5:30 pm local time. We were advised that a cab would be pricey to our downtown hotels due to the time of day, so we opted for a $8 transit ticket that got us there in about a 1/2 hr. Checked into the Maritime Hotel, my friends were staying at the ritzier Hotel De La Montagne. And by ritzier, I mean there was always a hooker at the front door.
Contacted Wetts, and arranged a ride to the Poker Room for Friday morning, as he was playing a donkament at Playground.
Met up with my buddies again, and just walked around abit (walking around = hitting as many pubs as we could). Got to bed around midnight, ready for a long tourney run.
Day 2:
Wetts picked me up at 10:30, there were some French protesters around the hotel, they must have heard I was staying there.
En route to the tourney, we were planning on stopping for a Timmay...oddly, we didn't find one before we hit the bridge to Kahnawake, so Wett's took the first turnoff in Kahnawake to go back to Montreal to find one. On that turnoff, we were relieved to see a 'no drug dealing' sign visible to all. That made us feel safe in the area.
We arrived to the tourney about 11:30, got our seats and were ready to grind.
Here are my tweets during the day:
Arrived and checked in for Stardust Poker Mansion Canadian Poker Classic, table 7 seat 1
One level down, not much to report, 29.8k from 30k starting
30.2k at 2nd break, blinds now 100/200
32.5k at first break, 163 left
41k, flopped top set 88, 3 streets of value called
38k on next level, avg 33k, 200/400 25a
Caught someone barreling with air, 45k (don't bluff d'fish)
50k at next level 250/500 50a, avg 36k
Flop quad JJ's and get 2 streets of value, 58k
45k at dinner break, just folded AA on turn to a shove
3-bet a 1.2k open from SB with AA to 3.4k, raiser flats, flop 892, bet 4.4k, get raised to 10k (27k back, have him covered by 17k)?
Try 3-bet squeezing AQ in SB against 2 limpers and a button raise to 6k, one limper shoved 12k and shows AK, somehow I don't win, 37k
Table breaks as I'm about to get button, new table In BB.....fack
Eric Cajelais to my right, tough to get in a hand, 28k at 400/800 100a, avg 47k
Saweeeet, Cajelais gets moved, win next pot on A high board (AQ>AJ) for 2 streets, 39k
52k at desert break?, avg 56k, phone dying, will update every hour
Busto, JJ in BB (25k @ 1k/2k 300a), cutoff goes 6k, button raises 15k, , I jam and lose to buttons KK
75k was first, pretty flat payouts for 340 players
My bust was clearly Wetts fault......he busted earlier in gross fashion, then went to Playground to play their Bounty tourney. He then busts from that, and just as he finds me in the poker room, I coincidentally bust my JJ's. Thanks for bringing your runbad Wetts.
Unfortunately only 2 days of poker, but I did get to enjoy Montreal.
The tourney itself was fantastic, probly the best 1k I've played. Play was much worse than I had anticipated, so I fit in well. They did a great job, and the drink and greeting girls were all >9's.
Couple things to note for 1st timers to YUL:
1.) If your primary objective is to play poker, stay wherever, but rent a car. Not sure how much a cab ride to and from would be, but I'm sure a rental would be cheaper.
2.) Stay downtown if you want to see Montreal. Well worth it if you like restaurants, pubs, clubs, or just beer in general.
3.) They have public pedal bikes to rent downtown....highly recommend. Able to see so much more of Montreal than if I were on foot or vehicle.
4.) Shwartz's (
Schwartz's - Montreal Hebrew Delicatessen - A Montreal Tradition Since 1928)....phucked up the first time I went solo....waited in line for 1/2 hr and was still a ways from the front. Someone who was behind me gave up earlier to try the takeout line, when I saw him come out with a sandwich, I gave up my spot to try that line. Bad decision, it was rediculous lineup inside. Tilted, I had chicken and potatoes next door. 2nd Trip there was much more successful....and worth the wait. PS: the chicken next door is pretty damn good too.
Oh, Stardust and Playground are literally in the same parking lot. There were about 12 tables of cash games going at Playground when I checked it out on dinner break.
Also went to Casino Montreal for brunch.....didn't like the casino much, but the top floor poker room had about 8 tables going on Monday.